Source code for pumpp.feature.cqt

#!/usr/bin/env python
'''CQT features'''

import numpy as np
from librosa import cqt, magphase, note_to_hz, amplitude_to_db

from .base import FeatureExtractor
from ..exceptions import ParameterError

__all__ = ['CQT', 'CQTMag', 'CQTPhaseDiff',
           'HCQT', 'HCQTMag', 'HCQTPhaseDiff']

[docs]class CQT(FeatureExtractor): '''Constant-Q transform Attributes ---------- name : str The name for this feature extractor sr : number > 0 The sampling rate of audio hop_length : int > 0 The number of samples between CQT frames n_octaves : int > 0 The number of octaves in the CQT over_sample : int > 0 The amount of frequency oversampling (bins per semitone) fmin : float > 0 The minimum frequency of the CQT log : boolean If `True`, scale the magnitude to decibels Otherwise, use linear magnitude '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, sr, hop_length, n_octaves=8, over_sample=3, fmin=None, log=False, conv=None): super(CQT, self).__init__(name, sr, hop_length, conv=conv) if fmin is None: fmin = note_to_hz('C1') self.n_octaves = n_octaves self.over_sample = over_sample self.fmin = fmin self.log = log n_bins = n_octaves * 12 * over_sample self.register('mag', n_bins, np.float32) self.register('phase', n_bins, np.float32)
def transform_audio(self, y): '''Compute the CQT Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray The audio buffer Returns ------- data : dict data['mag'] : np.ndarray, shape = (n_frames, n_bins) The CQT magnitude data['phase']: np.ndarray, shape = mag.shape The CQT phase ''' cqtm, phase = magphase(cqt(y=y,, hop_length=self.hop_length, fmin=self.fmin, n_bins=(self.n_octaves * self.over_sample * 12), bins_per_octave=(self.over_sample * 12))) if self.log: cqtm = amplitude_to_db(cqtm, ref=np.max) return {'mag': cqtm.T.astype(np.float32)[self.idx], 'phase': np.angle(phase).T.astype(np.float32)[self.idx]}
[docs]class CQTMag(CQT): '''Magnitude CQT See Also -------- CQT '''
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CQTMag, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.pop('phase')
def transform_audio(self, y): '''Compute CQT magnitude. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray the audio buffer Returns ------- data : dict data['mag'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_bins) The CQT magnitude ''' data = super(CQTMag, self).transform_audio(y) data.pop('phase') return data
[docs]class CQTPhaseDiff(CQT): '''CQT with unwrapped phase differentials See Also -------- CQT '''
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CQTPhaseDiff, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) phase_field = self.pop('phase') self.register('dphase', self.n_octaves * 12 * self.over_sample, phase_field.dtype)
def transform_audio(self, y): '''Compute the CQT with unwrapped phase Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray The audio buffer Returns ------- data : dict data['mag'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_bins) CQT magnitude data['dphase'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_bins) Unwrapped phase differential ''' data = super(CQTPhaseDiff, self).transform_audio(y) data['dphase'] = self.phase_diff(data.pop('phase')) return data
[docs]class HCQT(FeatureExtractor): '''Harmonic Constant-Q transform Attributes ---------- name : str The name for this feature extractor sr : number > 0 The sampling rate of audio hop_length : int > 0 The number of samples between CQT frames n_octaves : int > 0 The number of octaves in the CQT over_sample : int > 0 The amount of frequency oversampling (bins per semitone) fmin : float > 0 The minimum frequency of the CQT harmonics : list of int >= 1 The list of harmonics to compute log : boolean If `True`, scale the magnitude to decibels Otherwise, use linear magnitude conv : {'tf', 'th', 'channels_last', 'channels_first', None} convolution dimension ordering: - 'channels_last' for tensorflow-style 2D convolution - 'tf' equivalent to 'channels_last' - 'channels_first' for theano-style 2D convolution - 'th' equivalent to 'channels_first' '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, sr, hop_length, n_octaves=8, over_sample=3, fmin=None, harmonics=None, log=False, conv='channels_last'): if conv not in ('channels_last', 'tf', 'channels_first', 'th'): raise ParameterError('Invalid conv={}'.format(conv)) super(HCQT, self).__init__(name, sr, hop_length, conv=conv) if fmin is None: fmin = note_to_hz('C1') if harmonics is None: harmonics = [1] else: harmonics = list(harmonics) if not all(isinstance(_, int) and _ > 0 for _ in harmonics): raise ParameterError('Invalid harmonics={}'.format(harmonics)) self.n_octaves = n_octaves self.over_sample = over_sample self.fmin = fmin self.log = log self.harmonics = harmonics n_bins = n_octaves * 12 * over_sample self.register('mag', n_bins, np.float32, channels=len(harmonics)) self.register('phase', n_bins, np.float32, channels=len(harmonics))
def transform_audio(self, y): '''Compute the HCQT Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray The audio buffer Returns ------- data : dict data['mag'] : np.ndarray, shape = (n_frames, n_bins, n_harmonics) The CQT magnitude data['phase']: np.ndarray, shape = mag.shape The CQT phase ''' cqtm, phase = [], [] for h in self.harmonics: C, P = magphase(cqt(y=y,, hop_length=self.hop_length, fmin=self.fmin * h, n_bins=(self.n_octaves * self.over_sample * 12), bins_per_octave=(self.over_sample * 12))) if self.log: C = amplitude_to_db(C, ref=np.max) cqtm.append(C) phase.append(P) cqtm = np.asarray(cqtm).astype(np.float32) phase = np.angle(np.asarray(phase)).astype(np.float32) return {'mag': self._index(cqtm), 'phase': self._index(phase)} def _index(self, value): '''Rearrange a tensor according to the convolution mode Input is assumed to be in (channels, bins, time) format. ''' if self.conv in ('channels_last', 'tf'): return np.transpose(value, (2, 1, 0)) else: # self.conv in ('channels_first', 'th') return np.transpose(value, (0, 2, 1))
[docs]class HCQTMag(HCQT): '''Magnitude HCQT See Also -------- HCQT '''
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HCQTMag, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.pop('phase')
def transform_audio(self, y): '''Compute HCQT magnitude. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray the audio buffer Returns ------- data : dict data['mag'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_bins) The CQT magnitude ''' data = super(HCQTMag, self).transform_audio(y) data.pop('phase') return data
[docs]class HCQTPhaseDiff(HCQT): '''HCQT with unwrapped phase differentials See Also -------- HCQT '''
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HCQTPhaseDiff, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) phase_field = self.pop('phase') self.register('dphase', self.n_octaves * 12 * self.over_sample, phase_field.dtype, channels=len(self.harmonics))
def transform_audio(self, y): '''Compute the HCQT with unwrapped phase Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray The audio buffer Returns ------- data : dict data['mag'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_bins) CQT magnitude data['dphase'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n_frames, n_bins) Unwrapped phase differential ''' data = super(HCQTPhaseDiff, self).transform_audio(y) data['dphase'] = self.phase_diff(data.pop('phase')) return data