Source code for pumpp.task.chord

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
'''Chord recognition task transformer'''

import re
from itertools import product

import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer, LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer

from librosa import time_to_frames
import mir_eval
import jams

from .base import BaseTaskTransformer
from ..exceptions import ParameterError

__all__ = ['ChordTransformer', 'SimpleChordTransformer', 'ChordTagTransformer']

def _pad_nochord(target, axis=-1):
    '''Pad a chord annotation with no-chord flags.

    target : np.ndarray
        the input data

    axis : int
        the axis along which to pad

        `target` expanded by 1 along the specified `axis`.
        The expanded dimension will be 0 when `target` is non-zero
        before padding, and 1 otherwise.
    ncmask = ~np.max(target, axis=axis, keepdims=True)

    return np.concatenate([target, ncmask], axis=axis)

[docs]class ChordTransformer(BaseTaskTransformer): '''Chord annotation transformers. This transformer uses a (pitch, root, bass) decomposition of chord annotations. Attributes ---------- name : str The name of the chord transformer sr : number > 0 The sampling rate of audio hop_length : int > 0 The number of samples between each annotation frame sparse : bool If True, root and bass values are sparsely encoded as integers in [0, 12]. If False, root and bass values are densely encoded as 13-dimensional booleans. See Also -------- SimpleChordTransformer '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name='chord', sr=22050, hop_length=512, sparse=False): '''Initialize a chord task transformer''' super(ChordTransformer, self).__init__(name=name, namespace='chord', sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) self.encoder = MultiLabelBinarizer()[list(range(12))]) self._classes = set(self.encoder.classes_) self.sparse = sparse self.register('pitch', [None, 12], np.bool) if self.sparse: self.register('root', [None, 1], self.register('bass', [None, 1], else: self.register('root', [None, 13], np.bool) self.register('bass', [None, 13], np.bool)
def empty(self, duration): '''Empty chord annotations Parameters ---------- duration : number The length (in seconds) of the empty annotation Returns ------- ann : jams.Annotation A chord annotation consisting of a single `no-chord` observation. ''' ann = super(ChordTransformer, self).empty(duration) ann.append(time=0, duration=duration, value='N', confidence=0) return ann def transform_annotation(self, ann, duration): '''Apply the chord transformation. Parameters ---------- ann : jams.Annotation The chord annotation duration : number > 0 The target duration Returns ------- data : dict data['pitch'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 12) data['root'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 13) or (n, 1) data['bass'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 13) or (n, 1) `pitch` is a binary matrix indicating pitch class activation at each frame. `root` is a one-hot matrix indicating the chord root's pitch class at each frame. `bass` is a one-hot matrix indicating the chord bass (lowest note) pitch class at each frame. If sparsely encoded, `root` and `bass` are integers in the range [0, 12] where 12 indicates no chord. If densely encoded, `root` and `bass` have an extra final dimension which is active when there is no chord sounding. ''' # Construct a blank annotation with mask = 0 intervals, chords = ann.to_interval_values() # Get the dtype for root/bass if self.sparse: dtype = else: dtype = np.bool # If we don't have any labeled intervals, fill in a no-chord if not chords: intervals = np.asarray([[0, duration]]) chords = ['N'] # Suppress all intervals not in the encoder pitches = [] roots = [] basses = [] # default value when data is missing if self.sparse: fill = 12 else: fill = False for chord in chords: # Encode the pitches root, semi, bass = mir_eval.chord.encode(chord) pitches.append(np.roll(semi, root)) if self.sparse: if root in self._classes: roots.append([root]) basses.append([(root + bass) % 12]) else: roots.append([fill]) basses.append([fill]) else: if root in self._classes: roots.extend(self.encoder.transform([[root]])) basses.extend(self.encoder.transform([[(root + bass) % 12]])) else: roots.extend(self.encoder.transform([[]])) basses.extend(self.encoder.transform([[]])) pitches = np.asarray(pitches, dtype=np.bool) roots = np.asarray(roots, dtype=dtype) basses = np.asarray(basses, dtype=dtype) target_pitch = self.encode_intervals(duration, intervals, pitches) target_root = self.encode_intervals(duration, intervals, roots, multi=False, dtype=dtype, fill=fill) target_bass = self.encode_intervals(duration, intervals, basses, multi=False, dtype=dtype, fill=fill) if not self.sparse: target_root = _pad_nochord(target_root) target_bass = _pad_nochord(target_bass) return {'pitch': target_pitch, 'root': target_root, 'bass': target_bass} def inverse(self, pitch, root, bass, duration=None): raise NotImplementedError('Chord cannot be inverted')
[docs]class SimpleChordTransformer(ChordTransformer): '''Simplified chord transformations. Only pitch class activity is encoded. Attributes ---------- name : str name of the transformer sr : number > 0 Sampling rate of audio hop_length : int > 0 Hop length for annotation frames See Also -------- ChordTransformer '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name='chord', sr=22050, hop_length=512): super(SimpleChordTransformer, self).__init__(name=name, sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) # Remove the extraneous fields self.pop('root') self.pop('bass')
def transform_annotation(self, ann, duration): '''Apply the chord transformation. Parameters ---------- ann : jams.Annotation The chord annotation duration : number > 0 The target duration Returns ------- data : dict data['pitch'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 12) `pitch` is a binary matrix indicating pitch class activation at each frame. ''' data = super(SimpleChordTransformer, self).transform_annotation(ann, duration) data.pop('root', None) data.pop('bass', None) return data def inverse(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError('SimpleChord cannot be inverted')
'''A list of normalized pitch class names''' PITCHES = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B'] '''A mapping of chord quality encodings to their names''' QUALITIES = { 0b000100000000: 'min', 0b000010000000: 'maj', 0b000100010000: 'min', 0b000010010000: 'maj', 0b000100100000: 'dim', 0b000010001000: 'aug', 0b000100010010: 'min7', 0b000010010001: 'maj7', 0b000010010010: '7', 0b000100100100: 'dim7', 0b000100100010: 'hdim7', 0b000100010001: 'minmaj7', 0b000100010100: 'min6', 0b000010010100: 'maj6', 0b001000010000: 'sus2', 0b000001010000: 'sus4' }
[docs]class ChordTagTransformer(BaseTaskTransformer): '''Chord transformer that uses a tag-space encoding for chord labels. Attributes ---------- name : str name of the transformer vocab : str A string of chord quality indicators to include: - '3': maj/min - '5': '3' + aug/dim - '6': '3' + '5' + maj6/min6 - '7': '3' + '5' + '6' + 7/min7/maj7/dim7/hdim7/minmaj7 - 's': sus2/sus4 Note: 5 requires 3, 6 requires 5, 7 requires 6. sr : number > 0 Sampling rate of audio hop_length : int > 0 Hop length for annotation frames See Also -------- ChordTransformer SimpleChordTransformer '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name='chord', vocab='3567s', sr=22050, hop_length=512, sparse=False): super(ChordTagTransformer, self).__init__(name=name, namespace='chord', sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) # Stringify and lowercase if set(vocab) - set('3567s'): raise ParameterError('Invalid vocabulary string: {}'.format(vocab)) if '5' in vocab and '3' not in vocab: raise ParameterError('Invalid vocabulary string: {}'.format(vocab)) if '6' in vocab and '5' not in vocab: raise ParameterError('Invalid vocabulary string: {}'.format(vocab)) if '7' in vocab and '6' not in vocab: raise ParameterError('Invalid vocabulary string: {}'.format(vocab)) self.vocab = vocab.lower() labels = self.vocabulary() self.sparse = sparse if self.sparse: self.encoder = LabelEncoder() else: self.encoder = LabelBinarizer() self._classes = set(self.encoder.classes_) # Construct the quality mask for chord encoding self.mask_ = 0b000000000000 if '3' in self.vocab: self.mask_ |= 0b000110000000 if '5' in self.vocab: self.mask_ |= 0b000110111000 if '6' in self.vocab: self.mask_ |= 0b000110010100 if '7' in self.vocab: self.mask_ |= 0b000110110111 if 's' in self.vocab: self.mask_ |= 0b001001010000 if self.sparse: self.register('chord', [None, 1], else: self.register('chord', [None, len(self._classes)], np.bool)
def empty(self, duration): '''Empty chord annotations Parameters ---------- duration : number The length (in seconds) of the empty annotation Returns ------- ann : jams.Annotation A chord annotation consisting of a single `no-chord` observation. ''' ann = super(ChordTagTransformer, self).empty(duration) ann.append(time=0, duration=duration, value='X', confidence=0) return ann def vocabulary(self): qualities = [] if '3' in self.vocab or '5' in self.vocab: qualities.extend(['min', 'maj']) if '5' in self.vocab: qualities.extend(['dim', 'aug']) if '6' in self.vocab: qualities.extend(['min6', 'maj6']) if '7' in self.vocab: qualities.extend(['min7', 'maj7', '7', 'dim7', 'hdim7', 'minmaj7']) if 's' in self.vocab: qualities.extend(['sus2', 'sus4']) labels = ['N', 'X'] for chord in product(PITCHES, qualities): labels.append('{}:{}'.format(*chord)) return labels def simplify(self, chord): '''Simplify a chord string down to the vocabulary space''' # Drop inversions chord = re.sub(r'/.*$', r'', chord) # Drop any additional or suppressed tones chord = re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', r'', chord) # Drop dangling : indicators chord = re.sub(r':$', r'', chord) # Encode the chord root, pitches, _ = mir_eval.chord.encode(chord) # Build the query # To map the binary vector pitches down to bit masked integer, # we just dot against powers of 2 P = 2**np.arange(12, dtype=int) query = self.mask_ & pitches[::-1].dot(P) if root < 0 and chord[0].upper() == 'N': return 'N' if query not in QUALITIES: return 'X' return '{}:{}'.format(PITCHES[root], QUALITIES[query]) def transform_annotation(self, ann, duration): '''Transform an annotation to chord-tag encoding Parameters ---------- ann : jams.Annotation The annotation to convert duration : number > 0 The duration of the track Returns ------- data : dict data['chord'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, n_labels) A time-varying binary encoding of the chords ''' intervals, values = ann.to_interval_values() chords = [] for v in values: chords.extend(self.encoder.transform([self.simplify(v)])) dtype = self.fields[self.scope('chord')].dtype chords = np.asarray(chords) if self.sparse: chords = chords[:, np.newaxis] target = self.encode_intervals(duration, intervals, chords, multi=False, dtype=dtype) return {'chord': target} def inverse(self, encoded, duration=None): '''Inverse transformation''' ann = jams.Annotation(self.namespace, duration=duration) for start, end, value in self.decode_intervals(encoded, duration=duration, multi=False, sparse=self.sparse): # Map start:end to frames f_start, f_end = time_to_frames([start, end],, hop_length=self.hop_length) # Reverse the index if self.sparse: # Compute the confidence if encoded.shape[1] == 1: # This case is for full-confidence prediction (just the index) confidence = 1. else: confidence = np.mean(encoded[f_start:f_end+1, value]) value_dec = self.encoder.inverse_transform(value) else: confidence = np.mean(encoded[f_start:f_end+1, np.argmax(value)]) value_dec = self.encoder.inverse_transform(np.atleast_2d(value)) for vd in value_dec: ann.append(time=start, duration=end-start, value=vd, confidence=float(confidence)) return ann