
class pumpp.feature.Tempogram(name, sr, hop_length, win_length, conv=None)[source]

Tempogram: the short-time autocorrelation of the accent signal

name : str

The name of this feature extractor

sr : number > 0

The sampling rate of audio

hop_length : int > 0

The hop length of analysis windows

win_length : int > 0

The length of the analysis window (in frames)

__init__(name, sr, hop_length, win_length, conv=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(name, sr, hop_length, win_length[, …]) Initialize self.
layers() Construct Keras input layers for the given transformer
merge(data) Merge an array of output dictionaries into a single dictionary with properly scoped names.
n_frames(duration) Get the number of frames for a given duration
phase_diff(phase) Compute the phase differential along a given axis
register(key, dimension, dtype[, channels]) Register a field as a tensor with specified shape and type.
scope(key) Apply the name scope to a key
transform(y, sr) Transform an audio signal
transform_audio(y) Compute the tempogram

