Source code for pumpp.task.beat

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- enconding: utf-8 -*-
'''Instantaneous event coding'''

import numpy as np

from librosa import time_to_frames
from librosa.sequence import transition_loop, transition_cycle
import jams
from mir_eval.util import boundaries_to_intervals, adjust_intervals
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelBinarizer, LabelEncoder

from .base import BaseTaskTransformer
from ..exceptions import ParameterError

__all__ = ['BeatTransformer', 'BeatPositionTransformer']

[docs]class BeatTransformer(BaseTaskTransformer): '''Task transformation for beat tracking Attributes ---------- name : str The name of this transformer sr : number > 0 The audio sampling rate hop_length : int > 0 The hop length for annotation frames p_self_beat : None, float in (0, 1), or np.ndarray [shape=(2,)] Optional self-loop probability(ies), used for Viterbi decoding p_state_beat : None or float in (0, 1) Optional marginal probability for beat state p_init_beat : None or float in (0, 1) Optional initial probability for beat state p_self_down : None, float in (0, 1), or np.ndarray [shape=(2,)] Optional self-loop probability(ies), used for Viterbi decoding p_state_down : None or float in (0, 1) Optional marginal probability for downbeat state p_init_down : None or float in (0, 1) Optional initial probability for downbeat state '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name='beat', sr=22050, hop_length=512, p_self_beat=None, p_init_beat=None, p_state_beat=None, p_self_down=None, p_init_down=None, p_state_down=None): super(BeatTransformer, self).__init__(name=name, namespace='beat', sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) self.set_transition_beat(p_self_beat) if p_init_beat is not None: if not np.isscalar(p_init_beat): raise ParameterError('Invalid p_init_beat={}'.format(p_init_beat)) self.beat_p_init = p_init_beat if p_state_beat is not None: if not np.isscalar(p_state_beat): raise ParameterError('Invalid p_state_beat={}'.format(p_state_beat)) self.beat_p_state = p_state_beat self.set_transition_down(p_self_beat) if p_init_down is not None: if not np.isscalar(p_init_down): raise ParameterError('Invalid p_init_down={}'.format(p_init_down)) self.down_p_init = p_init_down if p_state_down is not None: if not np.isscalar(p_state_down): raise ParameterError('Invalid p_state_down={}'.format(p_state_down)) self.down_p_state = p_state_down self.register('beat', [None], np.bool) self.register('downbeat', [None], np.bool) self.register('mask_downbeat', [1], np.bool)
def set_transition_beat(self, p_self): '''Set the beat-tracking transition matrix according to self-loop probabilities. Parameters ---------- p_self : None, float in (0, 1), or np.ndarray [shape=(2,)] Optional self-loop probability(ies), used for Viterbi decoding ''' if p_self is None: self.beat_transition = None else: self.beat_transition = transition_loop(2, p_self) def set_transition_down(self, p_self): '''Set the downbeat-tracking transition matrix according to self-loop probabilities. Parameters ---------- p_self : None, float in (0, 1), or np.ndarray [shape=(2,)] Optional self-loop probability(ies), used for Viterbi decoding ''' if p_self is None: self.down_transition = None else: self.down_transition = transition_loop(2, p_self) def transform_annotation(self, ann, duration): '''Apply the beat transformer Parameters ---------- ann : jams.Annotation The input annotation duration : number > 0 The duration of the audio Returns ------- data : dict data['beat'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 1) Binary indicator of beat/non-beat data['downbeat'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, 1) Binary indicator of downbeat/non-downbeat mask_downbeat : bool True if downbeat annotations are present ''' mask_downbeat = False intervals, values = ann.to_interval_values() values = np.asarray(values) beat_events = intervals[:, 0] beat_labels = np.ones((len(beat_events), 1)) idx = (values == 1) if np.any(idx): downbeat_events = beat_events[idx] downbeat_labels = np.ones((len(downbeat_events), 1)) mask_downbeat = True else: downbeat_events = np.zeros(0) downbeat_labels = np.zeros((0, 1)) target_beat = self.encode_events(duration, beat_events, beat_labels) target_downbeat = self.encode_events(duration, downbeat_events, downbeat_labels) return {'beat': target_beat, 'downbeat': target_downbeat, 'mask_downbeat': mask_downbeat} def inverse(self, encoded, downbeat=None, duration=None): '''Inverse transformation for beats and optional downbeats''' ann = jams.Annotation(namespace=self.namespace, duration=duration) beat_times = np.asarray([t for t, _ in self.decode_events(encoded, transition=self.beat_transition, p_init=self.beat_p_init, p_state=self.beat_p_state) if _]) beat_frames = time_to_frames(beat_times,, hop_length=self.hop_length) if downbeat is not None: downbeat_times = set([t for t, _ in self.decode_events(downbeat, transition=self.down_transition, p_init=self.down_p_init, p_state=self.down_p_state) if _]) pickup_beats = len([t for t in beat_times if t < min(downbeat_times)]) else: downbeat_times = set() pickup_beats = 0 value = - pickup_beats - 1 for beat_t, beat_f in zip(beat_times, beat_frames): if beat_t in downbeat_times: value = 1 else: value += 1 confidence = encoded[beat_f] ann.append(time=beat_t, duration=0, value=value, confidence=confidence) return ann
[docs]class BeatPositionTransformer(BaseTaskTransformer): '''Encode beat- and downbeat-annotations as labeled intervals. This transformer assumes that the `value` field of a beat annotation encodes its metrical position (1, 2, 3, 4, ...). A `value` of 0 indicates that the beat does not belong to a bar, and should be used to indicate pickup beats. Beat position strings are coded as SUBDIVISION/POSITION For example, in 4/4 time, the 2 beat would be coded as "04/02". '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, max_divisions=12, sr=22050, hop_length=512, sparse=False): super(BeatPositionTransformer, self).__init__(name=name, namespace='beat', sr=sr, hop_length=hop_length) # Make the vocab set if not isinstance(max_divisions, int) or max_divisions < 1: raise ParameterError('Invalid max_divisions={}'.format(max_divisions)) self.max_divisions = max_divisions labels = self.vocabulary() self.sparse = sparse if self.sparse: self.encoder = LabelEncoder() else: self.encoder = LabelBinarizer() self._classes = set(self.encoder.classes_) # transitions should use transition_loop here # construct block-wise for each metrical length # initial-state distributions should be over X # X -> **/01 s if self.sparse: self.register('position', [None, 1], else: self.register('position', [None, len(self._classes)], np.bool)
def vocabulary(self): states = ['X'] for d in range(1, self.max_divisions + 1): for n in range(1, d + 1): states.append('{:02d}/{:02d}'.format(d, n)) return states def transform_annotation(self, ann, duration): '''Transform an annotation to the beat-position encoding Parameters ---------- ann : jams.Annotation The annotation to convert duration : number > 0 The duration of the track Returns ------- data : dict data['position'] : np.ndarray, shape=(n, n_labels) or (n, 1) A time-varying label encoding of beat position ''' # 1. get all the events # 2. find all the downbeats # 3. map each downbeat to a subdivision counter # number of beats until the next downbeat # 4. pad out events to intervals # 5. encode each beat interval to its position boundaries, values = ann.to_interval_values() # Convert to intervals and span the duration # padding at the end of track does not propagate the right label # this is an artifact of inferring end-of-track from boundaries though boundaries = list(boundaries[:, 0]) if boundaries and boundaries[-1] < duration: boundaries.append(duration) intervals = boundaries_to_intervals(boundaries) intervals, values = adjust_intervals(intervals, values, t_min=0, t_max=duration, start_label=0, end_label=0) values = np.asarray(values, dtype=int) downbeats = np.flatnonzero(values == 1) position = [] for i, v in enumerate(values): # If the value is a 0, mark it as X and move on if v == 0: position.extend(self.encoder.transform(['X'])) continue # Otherwise, let's try to find the surrounding downbeats prev_idx = np.searchsorted(downbeats, i, side='right') - 1 next_idx = 1 + prev_idx if prev_idx >= 0 and next_idx < len(downbeats): # In this case, the subdivision is well-defined subdivision = downbeats[next_idx] - downbeats[prev_idx] elif prev_idx < 0 and next_idx < len(downbeats): subdivision = np.max(values[:downbeats[0]+1]) elif next_idx >= len(downbeats): subdivision = len(values) - downbeats[prev_idx] if subdivision > self.max_divisions or subdivision < 1: position.extend(self.encoder.transform(['X'])) else: position.extend(self.encoder.transform(['{:02d}/{:02d}'.format(subdivision, v)])) dtype = self.fields[self.scope('position')].dtype position = np.asarray(position) if self.sparse: position = position[:, np.newaxis] target = self.encode_intervals(duration, intervals, position, multi=False, dtype=dtype) return {'position': target} def inverse(self, encoded, duration=None): '''Inverse transformation''' raise NotImplementedError